Kontokosta, C. E., Hong, B., & Bonczak, B. J. (2022). Measuring sensitivity to social distancing behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific reports, 12(1), 16350. Gupta, A., Van Nieuwerburgh, S., & Kontokosta, C. (2022). Take the Q train: Value capture of public infrastructure projects. Journal of Urban Economics, 129, 103422. Lai, Y., Papadopoulos, S., Fuerst, F., Pivo, G., Sagi, J., & Kontokosta, C. E. (2022). Building retrofit hurdle rates and risk aversion in energy efficiency investments. Applied Energy, 306, 118048. Hong, B., Bonczak, B. J., Gupta, A., Thorpe, L. E., & Kontokosta, C. E. (2021). Exposure density and neighborhood disparities in COVID-19 infection risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(13).Hong, B., Bonczak, B. J., Gupta, A., & Kontokosta, C. E. (2021). Measuring inequality in community resilience to natural disasters using large-scale mobility data. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-9.Kontokosta, C. E., Freeman, L., & Lai, Y. (2021). 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Columbia University Press.Sobolevsky, S., Levitskaya, E., Chan, H., Postle, M., & Kontokosta, C. (2018). Impact Of Bike Sharing In New York City. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.06606.Falcocchio, J. C. G., Malik, A., & Kontokosta, C. E. (2018). A data-driven methodology for equitable value-capture financing of public transit operations and maintenance. Transport Policy, 66, 107-115.Papadopoulos, S., Bonczak, B., & Kontokosta, C. E. (2018). Pattern recognition in building energy performance over time using energy benchmarking data. Applied Energy, 221, 576-586.Johnson, N. E., Bonczak, B., & Kontokosta, C. E. (2018). Using a gradient boosting model to improve the performance of low-cost aerosol monitors in a dense, heterogeneous urban environment. Atmospheric environment, 184, 9-16.Kontokosta, C. E., Hong, B., Johnson, N. E., & Starobin, D. (2018). Using machine learning and small area estimation to predict building-level municipal solid waste generation in cities. 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